
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Reasoning with Prophecy Izis

Conscious Reggae Crooner, Prophecy Izis has been turning heads locally and internationally over the past two years and continues to do so as he promotes his new album titled Purification Time. He is currently residing in Quebec, Canada where balance his time with his family and his music. His singles  "Mama and Papa" and "Let It Be Love" as well as others have been on rotation on Global Linkz Radio (GLR) and other international radio stations.

His first album Purification Time, consists of 15 songs which were all recorded in Canada. Arrangement and final mastering was done in  South Africa by Riddim Yut’ Production and will be officially released in Spring 2013. In December 2012, "Lion A Sleep" a track from the album hit (GLR's) airwaves as the Global Spin of the week where it held that coveted position for two consecutive weeks. 
Album Front Cover
Back Cover

On Saturday Dec 15, 2012 Prophecy Izis performed at the 25 Year Memorial Tribute to Peter Tosh. The event was held at EB Club Lounge in Montreal, Canada.  He performed a few of Peters Tosh's songs before leading the crowd into a few of his singles as well as songs from his new album. Here is a snippet from that event. 

Prior to this engagement Prophecy stopped by Global Linkz Radio where he reasoned with host Empress Skortcher and listeners around the world.
Listen audio here

More About Prophecy Izis
Prophecy Izis is a recording artist of real authentic reggae music. He sings to teach and uplift the people. His deep cultural lyrics and positive feel reggae beats are sure to make you feel great. Born Melvin Claude Leslie on December 29th 1975, Prophecy Izis is from Westmoreland, Jamaica.

From the age of 9, Melvin Claude sang in churches, schools and community events. Both his parents were members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which made cultural events and traditions a very important part of his upbringing. His music was greatly influenced by reggae icons such as Joseph ‘’Culture’’ Hill, Peter Tosh, Bob Marley and Burning Spear and more. Rastafarianism became more and more important for Melvin Claude from reading Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King and Ily Selassie I speeches. That led him to move away from his parents’ home to the hills where he could ‘’livicate’’ himself to his new order, the Bobo Ashanti. Because of his spirituality his Rastafari brethrens and sistrens started to call him Ras Izis,because izis mean praises.

Inspired musically, he wrote his first song "Bloody War," friends then changed his name to Prophecy Izis. That song was recorded as his 1st single in 2001 under ‘’Name Brand Production’’ in  Savanna-la-Mar Westmoreland, Jamaica. Prophecy Izis has performed in many events in Jamaica, like Tribute to Peter Tosh and Vybzfm concert with artists such as Richie Stevens, Warrior King, Tarrus Riley, Chezidek and Lutan Fyah. Prophecy Izis also released singles with Wildgeese Records such as Jah is Worthy and The System Red.
Bio provided by Heights of Love Production


Monday, December 17, 2012

Introducing Island Beats Magazine

Island Beats Magazine is a quarterly reggae magazine based in Toronto, Canada. The magazine was created to highlight reggae music and industry events in literature format for readers worldwide. The magazine has been in publication since January 2011. Its conception is the brain child of Editor-in-chief, Vanessa St. Louis, more popularly known as DJ Bubbles. Island Beats magazine is an extension of Bubbles Entertainment and Island Beats Radio, both of which DJ Bubbles is the CEO and founder. She is also an on air personality on the station. Her style of writing lead readers to a state of visualizing the reality of each entry in the magazine and  leave them informed, entertained and anxiously waiting the next issue!

 In an interview with Empress Skortcher on Global Linkz Radio, Vanessa was asked what inspired her to create the magazine. Her response was a humbling one. She expressed that from a very young age, she always had a passion for reggae and the industry in general. Adding that while she was born and raised in Montreal, Canada, she is the product of parents from the Caribbean. Her dad is Trinidadian and her mom Jamaican. Vanessa further expressed that while she values and embraces her multiple heritage, she finds herself always gravitating more to her Jamaican heritage and culture. Her vision for the magazine is to provide a global medium through which she can share happenings in the industry, which highlights and introduces artists, producers, promoters, radio stations and, radio personalities who work hard on a daily basis to keep reggae music clean and alive!!!. When asked where she gets the information for the articles she writes about in Island Beats Magazine, she shared that as a media personnel, she is always exposed to artists, producers, managers and promoters of events who she meets in person or interviews, hence its is easy to find something of interest to write in her articles. Last quarter's issue of Island beats Magazine was published on October 2012. A free copy is provided below for your reading pleasure.

Click to launch the full edition in a new window
Publisher Software from YUDU
Be on the look out for the next issue which will be released on January 1,2013. We will be featuring the next issue of Island Beats Magazine along with future publications on our radio website. To submit your articles and for information on advertising in Island Beats Magazine contact Vanessa St. Louis Email:

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Remember - "Adjust, Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!!"

If you are the smartest person in your group, then its time to find new friends. If you want to grow and continually improve and achieve the goals that you have set for yourself, then you must surround yourself with people who are consistently challenging themselves to improve themselves. You must surround yourself with people who do not have a victim mentality and do not have a defeatist mentality. It must be a symbiotic relationship. Surround yourself with proven mentors and people who have more knowledge than you do in areas that you want to learn.

Let go of people who just want to be here breathing air and who do not want to do anything with their lives. You are the sum total of the five or more people with whom you associate the most. It is time to throw unnecessary luggage overboard. Cut ALL of the anchors that are pulling you down.

You must be around people who want to participate in their own rescue. The Bible says that whatever a man thinketh so is he. What ever garbage you put in your mind, you will start to reflect the garbage that is in you. If you put positive uplifting thoughts in your mind and fill yourself with positive knowledge, then you will reflect those ideas in how you carry yourself.
 Remember - "Adjust, Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!!"
Adopted from - Joshua Davis

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why are weekends secret power days?

Saturday is here!

Time to kick back and relax right? Not exactly-when the weekend arrives many of us tend to lose focus of everything we work hard at or hope to achieve during the week. We become lax adopting a mindset of doing nothing. When we do nothing, nothing happens and when nothing happens over the weekend, the following week starts out being a drag because we then have to reshape our minds into thinking again on our goals.

So you may be wondering what should you do on the weekend beside relaxing? The answer is simple, the weekends are secret power days towards a successful week!! Does this mean work? Not really, thoughtfully planning your activities and making the best use of your time on the weekend is the first step.

Your plan should include activities which bring you and the people you love the greatest pleasures while keeping in mind your goals for a successful week. Consistency in working on our goals when opportunity presents itself is the key to riding the wave of success in reaching those goals.

Let us think for a moment, during the week we set goals such as eating healthier foods, waking up on time,  developing a healthier sleep regime, exercising regularly, improving our time management skill, organizing our vehicles and or our  homes etc. On the other hand, over the weekend  we revert to eating unhealthy, sleeping at odd times and hours, stop exercising, fail to set and maintain a schedule, and leave things in disarray. In doing so we set ourselves up for disappointments as those tasks become much harder through out the week. The point here is to always make an effort to be consistent. Hence, its helpful to develop a mindset and put into practice capitalizing on time for maximum success.
Keep working on your goals every day! Team GLR wishes you all a wholesome weekend.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Prophecy Izis live tonight on Global Linkz Radio

Get ready for an exciting and informative interview with Canada's conscious reggae singer Prophecy Izis tonight at 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time!!! 

Tune in via GLR
Mobile users download Global Linkz Radio  Tunein Mobile App

Hear about his newly released album, Purification Time and for a chance to win two tickets to see him perform live on stage at Peter Tosh 25 year Memorial Tribute Saturday Dec 15, 2012 inside EB Club Lounge, Montreal, Canada.

Win Win!! 2CD Holiday Package From 8:O'Sics Ent

The holiday season is a time for celebration, thanksgiving, and gifts giving. Now its our time to give back to you! Global Linkz Radio teams up with New York based Indie Label 8:O'Sics (pronounced 806) Entertainment Group to give away a 2CD through out the holiday season. This package includes:

F.E.M.'s EP "Jaded"

Genres: Pop, Music

Released: September 2012  

Sammy British's Album "Original or Dead

 Genres: Reggae,  Hip-Hop/Rap

Released: Mar 23, 2012

                                                               How to win:

1. Post the correct answers to daily questions posted on our Facebook fan page

2. Submit your decorated Christmas tree pictures by email

to be entered in our best Christmas tree web poll on our site. The tree with the most votes wins!

3. Listen for on air questions via then be the first to call in on 410-457-7177 with the correct answer.

Rules: Winners are excluded for entering same give away  promotion more than once.

Good luck and happy holidays to you and yours!

Richard Levy Speaks About His New Book

On Tuesday December 11, 2012 CEO Empress Skortcher, had the pleasure of speaking with nationally acclaimed motivational speaker, pilot and author Richard Levy during her morning show on Global Linkz Radio. The duo spoke about his new book, "Thoughts Make You Wealthy,  saying "goodbye" to negative people, and more!  Richard also  shared many thoughts on how to live a prosperous and wealthy life  by developing  positive ways of thinking about the things we desire, people, and relationships.

Here is what Empress had to say about their conversation, "I was grateful for the opportunity to have Richard Levy as a guest on my show. Our dialogue was very insightful and inspiring to me, as well as my listening audience."  I first met Richard through his daily emailed prosperity messages which I look forward to on waking up. His email if the first email I read every morning to get my day off  with a positive mindset. She  recommend purchasing Richards  life changing book, attending one of his prosperity seminars.

About The Author
About The Author Richard Levy's  mission is to empower people to live a more positive lives, regardless of their age, sexual orientation and/or religious beliefs. Levy believes that there are thoughts and actions that attract wealth, while others repel it. He provides clear and simple direction for those seeking a positive lifestyle change.
Levy's “Thoughts Make You Wealthy” philosophy began when he was just 14 years old, following the divorce of his parents. Raised by a single mother, Levy practiced positivity and worked hard to raise money to pay for a college education and to pursue his dream of becoming a pilot. Levy’s positive lifestyle has manifested in personal and professional success and his pursuit to help others learn to think their way to abundant lives of success, wealth, health and love. Levy is currently a pilot for a major international airline and is happily married to his wife Anne. They live in Chicago with their seven-pound Morkie, Lucy.

Interview Audio
Levy's first book, "Thoughts Make You Wealthy," was released in November 2012. He travels across the United States giving Prosperity Seminars and also makes guest appearances at businesses. Visit for details.
Connect with Richard on Facebook:
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