
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Remember - "Adjust, Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!!"

If you are the smartest person in your group, then its time to find new friends. If you want to grow and continually improve and achieve the goals that you have set for yourself, then you must surround yourself with people who are consistently challenging themselves to improve themselves. You must surround yourself with people who do not have a victim mentality and do not have a defeatist mentality. It must be a symbiotic relationship. Surround yourself with proven mentors and people who have more knowledge than you do in areas that you want to learn.

Let go of people who just want to be here breathing air and who do not want to do anything with their lives. You are the sum total of the five or more people with whom you associate the most. It is time to throw unnecessary luggage overboard. Cut ALL of the anchors that are pulling you down.

You must be around people who want to participate in their own rescue. The Bible says that whatever a man thinketh so is he. What ever garbage you put in your mind, you will start to reflect the garbage that is in you. If you put positive uplifting thoughts in your mind and fill yourself with positive knowledge, then you will reflect those ideas in how you carry yourself.
 Remember - "Adjust, Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!!"
Adopted from - Joshua Davis

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