
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why are weekends secret power days?

Saturday is here!

Time to kick back and relax right? Not exactly-when the weekend arrives many of us tend to lose focus of everything we work hard at or hope to achieve during the week. We become lax adopting a mindset of doing nothing. When we do nothing, nothing happens and when nothing happens over the weekend, the following week starts out being a drag because we then have to reshape our minds into thinking again on our goals.

So you may be wondering what should you do on the weekend beside relaxing? The answer is simple, the weekends are secret power days towards a successful week!! Does this mean work? Not really, thoughtfully planning your activities and making the best use of your time on the weekend is the first step.

Your plan should include activities which bring you and the people you love the greatest pleasures while keeping in mind your goals for a successful week. Consistency in working on our goals when opportunity presents itself is the key to riding the wave of success in reaching those goals.

Let us think for a moment, during the week we set goals such as eating healthier foods, waking up on time,  developing a healthier sleep regime, exercising regularly, improving our time management skill, organizing our vehicles and or our  homes etc. On the other hand, over the weekend  we revert to eating unhealthy, sleeping at odd times and hours, stop exercising, fail to set and maintain a schedule, and leave things in disarray. In doing so we set ourselves up for disappointments as those tasks become much harder through out the week. The point here is to always make an effort to be consistent. Hence, its helpful to develop a mindset and put into practice capitalizing on time for maximum success.
Keep working on your goals every day! Team GLR wishes you all a wholesome weekend.

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